Inbound Calls Terms of Service

Terms of Service Agreement for

Digital Marketing Company

1. Confidential Information 

Each Party (the "Receiving Party") hereby acknowledges and agrees to the following with respect to any Confidential Information, as defined herein, disclosed or made available by the other Party (the "Disclosing Party") in the course of their business relationship:

Treatment of Confidential Information: The Receiving Party shall diligently and meticulously treat any and all information, documents, papers, programs, and ideas pertaining to the Disclosing Party, its clients, operations, finances, and products as strictly confidential. This treatment shall encompass Confidential Information disclosed by the Disclosing Party and appropriately designated as confidential, or which should be reasonably inferred to be confidential.Exceptions to Confidentiality: The obligations set forth above shall not apply to information that: (a) Is or becomes part of the public domain without breach of this Agreement. (b) Is required to be disclosed by the Receiving Party pursuant to a lawful legal process. (c) Is lawfully disclosed to the Receiving Party by a third party that is not bound by confidentiality obligations to the Disclosing Party. (d) Was already in the lawful possession of the Receiving Party through proper legal means. (e) Is independently developed by the Receiving Party without reference to the Confidential Information.Notification and Compliance: The Receiving Party shall promptly notify the Disclosing Party of any requests or inquiries by third parties seeking access to the Disclosing Party's Confidential Information. The Receiving Party agrees to furnish such information only when legally compelled to do so, following notice to the Disclosing Party and allowing the Disclosing Party a reasonable period to seek a protective order or other legal remedies.

This clause aims to underscore the vital importance of confidentiality within this Agreement, obligating the Parties to adhere to the exacting standards of privacy mandated by both federal and state laws, while simultaneously providing necessary flexibility to accommodate exceptions mandated by legal or proper channels. Failure to comply with these confidentiality obligations may result in legal consequences as defined by applicable laws.

2. Terms 

By signing this Agreement, the Parties also explicitly acknowledge and consent to the terms detailed on the accompanying page, which elaborates comprehensively on the clauses and provisions outlined above. The undersigned Parties affirm their commitment to having read, comprehended, and agreed to the entirety of these terms, pledging their unwavering adherence to every provision encapsulated within this comprehensive document.(A) The Parties mutually agree that disputes arising under this Agreement and the transactions it encompasses shall be resolved solely and exclusively in the state and federal courts within the jurisdiction of the State of Wyoming, where is headquartered.(B) In the event of non-payment by the customer to, and should legal proceedings be initiated by resulting in its favor, the customer shall be liable to reimburse for its costs of litigation, inclusive of reasonable attorneys' fees.(C) The benefits and obligations delineated in this Agreement extend to the Parties involved, as well as their administrators and successors in interest. Neither Party may assign this Agreement without obtaining prior written consent from the other Party.(D) This Agreement, inclusive of the referenced Exhibits incorporated herein, constitutes the entirety of the agreement between the Parties with regard to the transactions discussed herein. It prevails over all prior verbal and written agreements and understandings concerning the same subject matter.(E) Governing the rights and obligations set forth in this Agreement, including matters of construction, validity, performance, and enforcement, are the laws of the State of Wyoming. The principles of conflict of laws shall not impact the application of these laws.(F) No modification, amendment, or supplement to this Agreement holds binding force unless executed in writing by the Parties. Furthermore, any waiver of provisions within this Agreement does not indicate a waiver of other provisions, nor does it create an ongoing waiver, unless such waiver is in writing.(G) In the event that a provision within this Agreement is deemed illegal, invalid, or unenforceable under current or future laws, such provision shall be considered fully severable. The remaining provisions shall continue to be enforced, with the severed provision having no bearing. To replace the severed provision, the customer shall automatically incorporate a similar, legal, valid, and enforceable provision.(F) The customer undertakes not to engage in any disparagement or denigration of through oral or written means. The customer agrees not to publish, post, or release any material in written or electronic format, make public statements, or conduct interviews related to the company, its operations, clients, employees, products, or services without the prior written consent of

3. Fees, Payments, and Billing

 Payment Obligations: The Customer acknowledges and accepts that the fees outlined in their specific contract ("Fees") are directly associated with the selected service. Payment shall be made in US dollars and is due on or before the designated due date based on the chosen payment plan. By providing credit or debit card details, the Customer grants authorization to ("Provider") for charging as per the chosen pricing and payment structure. Representations and Warranties: By providing banking and/or credit or debit card information, the Customer warrants and represents that: (a) The supplied banking and/or credit or debit card details are accurate, complete, and valid. (b) They possess rightful authorization to use the provided credit or debit card for the transaction. (c) Charges incurred will be duly honored by the card issuer or bank. (d) The Customer shall settle all charges incurred at the prevailing rates, inclusive of applicable taxes.Late Payment Consequences: In the event of delayed payment, Provider reserves the right to implement the following measures, in addition to other available remedies: (i) A monthly interest charge of 1.5% (or the maximum rate permitted by law, if lower) on the overdue amount, compounded monthly. (ii) Reimbursement of reasonable expenses incurred by Provider in collecting overdue payments, including but not limited to attorneys’ fees, court costs, and collection agency charges. (iii) Suspension of Customer's and Authorized Users' access to the Services under Section 3(f) if payment delinquency extends beyond 30 days.Tax Responsibility: All Fees and other monetary obligations under this Agreement do not cover taxes and similar assessments. The Customer is accountable for all sales, use, and excise taxes, along with any other comparable taxes, duties, or levies imposed by federal, state, or local governmental or regulatory authorities.Payment Terms and Schedule: Upon entering this Agreement, the Customer acknowledges that payment to constitutes compensation for the services provided. The payment obligation remains in full force throughout the agreed-upon contract period, regardless of the actual utilization of the Services.The compensation for's Consulting Services is as specified in Exhibit A, appended hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Payments to are to be exclusively facilitated through ACH transfers or direct bank account transactions. However, if the Customer opts for credit card payments, please note that a supplementary monthly recurring fee of 3.5% of the monthly payment amount shall apply.Payment Schedule: Regular monthly payments are obligatory, with intervals of 30 days, commencing from the date of Agreement execution. It is the Customer's responsibility to ensure timely payment to forestall service disruption or late payment penalties.Late Payment Penalties: In cases of overdue payments, a penalty fee of $100 shall be incurred during a 2-day grace period from the scheduled payment date. If payment is not settled within this grace period, starting from the third day of delinquency, an additional fee of 1.5% of the overall monthly due amount shall be levied for each subsequent day until payment is rendered.

4. Refunds; Chargebacks 

Refund Policy: Given the nature of the Services provided, refunds for services rendered will not be entertained or considered. You understand that the services offered by Provider are time-sensitive and require prompt execution. As such, any request for refunds shall be deemed invalid.Chargebacks Prohibition: You expressly acknowledge and undertake not to initiate any chargebacks on credit/debit card charges related to your engagement with Provider. By making a payment, you agree that any dispute or concern related to the services shall be resolved in accordance with the Dispute Resolution provisions outlined in this Agreement.Chargeback Consequences: In the event that you initiate a chargeback for a credit/debit card charge related to a payment initiated by you, Provider reserves the right to pursue remedies to recover the disputed amount, as well as an additional administrative fee of $500. These remedies may include, but are not limited to, recharging your credit/debit card for the disputed amount or engaging a collection agency to recover the outstanding amount.Early Termination and Dispute Resolution: Should you decide to terminate this Agreement prematurely or encounter concerns regarding the quality, effectiveness, or any other aspect of the Services provided, you acknowledge the necessity of adhering to the Early Termination and Dispute Resolution provisions as outlined in this Agreement. Any disputes or concerns shall be addressed through open and transparent communication, in accordance with the Dispute Resolution provisions.

5.  Early Termination and Dispute Resolution

Early Termination and Compensation: In the event of early termination of the Contract by the Client before the agreed-upon term, the Client acknowledges and agrees to compensate the Agency in an amount not exceeding 39% of the overall agreed contract value from the beginning. The exact compensation amount shall be determined by the Agency based on the remaining term and costs incurred due to premature termination.Dispute Resolution: The Parties recognize the importance of open and transparent communication in maintaining a healthy business relationship. Should any questions, concerns, doubts, or issues arise regarding the services provided under this Contract, both Parties shall engage in good faith discussions through formal written communication. The Client shall provide the Agency with the opportunity to address and resolve any such matters in a timely manner.Good Faith Communication: The Client agrees to communicate any questions, concerns, doubts, or inquiries regarding the effectiveness or progress of the services rendered by the Agency promptly and in a formal written manner. The Agency shall be provided with an adequate opportunity to address, negotiate, or make adjustments to the services as needed to meet the Client's expectations.Voiding of Contract: Failure by the Client to engage in good faith communication, as outlined in Section 3, shall be considered a breach of the Contract terms. The Agency reserves the right to void the Contract and pursue legal action against the Client's actions. This may include seeking compensation for damages incurred as a result of the voided Contract.Unjust Disputes and Penalties: If the Client initiates a chargeback, dispute, or similar action with their bank, credit card company, or other financial institution without first attempting to address the issue with the Agency, the Client agrees to pay all charges and fees associated with such actions. Additionally, the Client acknowledges that unjustly disputing charges may result in a penalty, and the Client shall be liable to pay a penalty equivalent to [Specify Penalty Amount] as a consequence of initiating an unjust dispute. Legal and Public Repercussions: The Client acknowledges and agrees that if the Client initiates an unjust dispute with the intent to harm the Agency's reputation or to avoid legitimate payment obligations, the Agency reserves the right to pursue legal action to recover all amounts owed, seek damages for any harm caused, and disclose the unjust dispute to relevant parties, including but not limited to industry associations and public forums.Governing Law - Wyoming: This Clause shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Wyoming. Any disputes arising under or in connection with this Clause shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located where is headquartered in Wyoming.

6. Promise of Performance and the Effective Communication and Collaboration

Promise of Performance and Effective Communication: ("Provider") and the Client mutually acknowledge and understand that the success of the marketing services provided is closely tied to a collaborative effort based on initial discovery, predicted projections, and adherence to recommended strategies. By working in sync and conjunction, as guided and requested, both Parties predict the achievement of notable outcomes.Projected Outcomes: Based on thorough initial discovery and data-driven projections, it is anticipated that, on average, the Company will experience approximately X amount of phone calls after the full initial 90-day period. Moreover, the Company is expected to maintain its improved position in the map pack and reinforce its online presence while actively retaining the services of Provider in accordance with this Agreement. Mutual Commitment: Both Parties mutually commit to realizing the projected outcomes through diligent collaboration, open communication, and adherence to the strategies outlined in this Agreement. By following Provider's recommendations and directives, informed by experience, data, and industry expertise, the Company can expect to achieve its marketing and branding goals, establishing itself as a trusted and authoritative presence in its field.Conditions of Promise: The Promise of Performance is contingent upon the Company's fulfillment of monthly payments and the ability to provide good faith internal communication to facilitate effective execution of marketing strategies. It is important to acknowledge that external variables such as staffing changes, quality of services, and the Company's ability to accommodate increased attention and demand may impact the Promise of Performance.Voiding of Promise: The Promise of Performance may be voided in the event of unsuccessful completion of monthly payments or the Company's inability to fulfill its end of the agreement as specified. This includes, but is not limited to, failure to follow recommended strategies, changes in staffing that hinder implementation, or other factors that inhibit the Company's success.Effective Communication and Collaboration: Both ("Provider") and the Client recognize that effective communication and collaboration are pivotal for the successful implementation of the marketing services outlined in this Agreement. Clear, consistent, and written communication is of utmost importance to ensure the accurate assessment of the Company's current status, the impact of services provided, and the subsequent outcomes, effects, and results.Information Exchange: The Client shall provide detailed and accurate information regarding their business, current marketing efforts, and relevant industry trends. This information exchange is essential to facilitate an in-depth understanding of the Company's unique needs and challenges.Service Effectiveness: Provider is committed to delivering services that align with the Client's goals and objectives. Written reports, data analysis, and progress updates will be shared with the Client regularly to enable a comprehensive evaluation of the effectiveness of the provided services.Future Strategy Development: The insights gained through continuous written communication will play a critical role in shaping future marketing strategies. By analyzing the outcomes of the services delivered, both Parties will be equipped to refine and tailor future endeavors to maximize success.Adaptation and Improvement: Effective written communication allows for timely adjustments and improvements to strategies based on real-time results and feedback. The Client's commitment to providing accurate and thorough information empowers the Provider to refine approaches as necessary.

Guidance for Client Success: The Agency's expertise, data-driven decisions, and industry knowledge rely on the comprehensive information shared by the Client. Clear, written communication enables the Provider to guide the Company effectively, ensuring the attainment of marketing and branding objectives.

Updated: February 6, 2024

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Organic SEO Services: Leveraging Google My Business for Medical Business Growth

February 23, 20247 min read

The market has become increasingly competitive as medical treatments and technologies continue to advance, spanning from aesthetic services to weight loss and beyond. It's no surprise, as social media is flooded with content promoting Botox, weight loss solutions, and other medical enhancement treatments. With the market's increased saturation, organic SEO services will be pivotal in helping medical businesses grow their return on investment (ROI) by reducing ad spend and increasing appointment bookings. 

Choosing to integrate organic SEO services builds the foundation for establishing a strong online presence, which attracts more patients and aids in the expansion of your medical business. With the increasing reliance on the Internet for healthcare information and services, medical businesses must adopt effective strategies to enhance their visibility and credibility. One of the best SEO services for small business is Google My Business (GMB).

In this guide, we'll explore how medical businesses can unlock organic growth by optimizing their presence with GMB and utilizing organic traffic to boost visibility,

What Are Organic SEO Services?

Organic SEO services focus on strategies that increase a brand's presence within search results without spending money on paid advertising. While organic SEO services can take longer to yield results, the long-term cost savings are indisputable compared to paid ads. Not to mention, as the medical business market becomes more competitive, the cost of paid ads increases exponentially. 

The Importance of Organic SEO Services for Medical Businesses

Increasing brand influence through non-paid channels such as search engines, social media, and word-of-mouth referrals is vital as it allows a medical business to attract patients actively seeking healthcare services online. Focusing on organic SEO services, med spas, weight loss clinics, and related businesses can improve their search engine rankings, increase their visibility to potential patients, and ultimately drive more qualified leads to their practice.

Understanding Google My Business for Medical Businesses

Google My Business (GMB) is a powerful tool provided by Google that allows businesses to manage their online presence across various Google platforms, including Google Search and Google Maps. For medical businesses, having a well-optimized GMB profile is essential for ensuring visibility in local search results and attracting patients in their target area. By claiming and verifying their GMB listing, medical practices can provide essential information to potential patients, such as their location, contact details, business hours, and patient reviews.

Organic SEO Services for Medical Businesses

Organic SEO services are designed to improve a website's visibility in organic search results through strategies such as keyword optimization, content creation, link building, etc. For medical businesses, choosing Google My Business provides a competitive edge as it serves as an information and communication hub. 

With a detailed keyword strategy, a GMB profile is more likely to appear when someone searches for a related service. For example, searching 'weight loss clinic near me' will pull up other weight loss clinic GMB profiles in the area. The organic nature of GMB and the ability for potential clients to find you is why it's a necessary tool for any medical business. 

From a communication aspect, potential clients can request information, book, and communicate directly through the GMB profile, creating a user-friendly channel. Additionally, reviews left by other clients express confidence in your services and reputation.  

Strategies for Optimizing a Google My Business Profile

Claim and Verify Your GMB Listing 

The first step in optimizing GMB for organic growth is to claim and verify your listing. This process confirms to Google that you are the rightful owner of your medical practice and allows you to manage your listing effectively.

Optimize Your Business Information 

Ensure that your GMB profile includes accurate and up-to-date information about your medical practice, including your name, address, phone number, and business hours. This information helps potential patients find and contact your practice easily.

Add High-Quality Photos and Videos 

Visual content such as photos and videos can help showcase your medical practice and build trust with potential patients. Upload high-quality images of your facility, staff, and services to comfort patients by providing a glimpse of what to expect when they visit your practice.


Collect and Respond to Patient Reviews 

Positive patient reviews can significantly impact your medical practice's reputation and visibility on Google. Encourage satisfied patients to leave reviews on your GMB listing and respond promptly to feedback or questions to demonstrate your commitment to patient satisfaction.

Utilize GMB Features

Take advantage of additional features offered by GMB, such as posts, Q&A, and messaging, to engage with potential patients and provide them with valuable information about your services. Regularly updating your GMB profile with fresh content can help improve your visibility in local search results.

Case Study: The Impact of GMB Optimization on a Medical Practice

To illustrate the potential benefits of utilizing GMB for organic growth, let's consider the case of a small medical practice specializing in botox services. By optimizing its GMB profile with accurate business information, engaging photos of its facility and staff, and positive patient reviews, the med spa practice increased its visibility in local search results and attracted more patients to its clinic.

Over time, the practice's GMB listing became a valuable source of information for patients seeking botox services in their area, resulting in a steady stream of organic traffic to their website and clinic. By consistently monitoring and updating its GMB profile, the medical practice was able to maintain its competitive edge in the local market and continue growing its patient base through organic means.

Key Organic SEO Services For Google My Business

At Inbound Calls, we have worked with hundreds of medical businesses to optimize their Google My Business profiles, bringing them more appointments and strengthening their online presence through the following services: 

Complete Website Optimization

We'll optimize your website for search engines, ensuring clear page titles, keyword-rich content, and a well-structured architecture. This will boost traffic, engagement, and conversions, driving revenue and business growth.

Detailed Keyword Strategy

Using keywords effectively improves website visibility, increases organic traffic, and boosts revenue. Optimizing for keywords is complex, requiring up-to-date knowledge. Our services include keyword identification, content optimization, and ongoing strategy monitoring for optimal results.

Establishing A Strong Brand

Boost your medical practice and attract new patients with strong brand awareness. Consistent messaging, visual identity, and a positive online reputation build credibility, authority, and higher search engine rankings. This leads to easier discovery and connection for potential patients.

Google My Business Set Up & Optimization

Let our SEO experts handle your Google My Business setup and optimization, freeing you to focus on your business. A well-optimized listing boosts online presence, attracts customers, and drives business growth. Our strategies elevate your business ranking, ensuring visibility to potential customers.

Local Citations Audit

Being in Google's three-pack listing is key for Med Spas and other medical businesses. We audit and optimize your local citation, improving your chances of being featured. A clean, error-free citation boosts your chances of ranking in the three-pack.

Local Citations Building

Optimize your online presence for Google's three-pack listing with our tailored local citations service. Strategically placed on platforms like Yelp and Yellow Pages, these citations boost your Google ranking in the competitive medical services industry. We ensure accurate business information across directories for maximum impact. 

Elimination of Harmful Citations

Keeping your local citations accurate boosts your chances for a three-pack spot in Google's Map Pack. We audit it, identify issues, and guide you in fixing errors, improving your three-pack prospects.

Local SEO Content Strategy

We tailor your website for area-specific search results, targeting relevant keywords and crafting compelling content to attract and engage new visitors. This enhances online visibility and expands your reach within the community.

Schema Markup

Boost your visibility with schema markup. Our experts add schema to your site, helping search engines interpret and index your pages effectively. Tailored to match your content, this boosts your site's ranking and visibility for potential customers.

Content Audit

Before starting any content optimization, our team conducts a tailored content audit for your medical business to identify areas needing improvement, making your website more search-engine friendly. This involves evaluating heading tags, page titles, keyword density, proximity, prominence, and diversity to enhance your website's ranking in SERPs and drive more traffic.

Competitor Audit

Our SEO experts analyze competitors in your niche, scrutinizing factors like domain authority and backlink strategy to craft an enhanced SEO strategy for your business. This analysis identifies effective practices and industry trends, allowing us to tailor our approach to meet your specific needs.

Review Management

Positive reviews are crucial for businesses in the top 3 positions on the Google Map Pack, as potential customers heavily rely on them for informed decisions, leading to higher conversion rates. Inbound Calls understands the significance of managing reviews for med spas, promptly responding to feedback to establish trust and credibility, ultimately fostering a positive online presence and driving increased conversions in local searches.

Contact us today to learn more about our Organic SEO Services to increase your visibility and boost appointment bookings! 

Organic SEO ServicesMedical BusinessMedical Businesses Best SEO Services for Small BusinessOrganic Traffic
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